L1309 Announces New Trustee
The Executive Board is excited to announce your newest Trustee, Greg Woodward! This midterm vacancy was filled by an appointment after consideration of multiple talented candidates. Please join us in welcoming Greg to the position. We're excited to have a member from Fleet in this role and look forward his continued contributions and local oversight.
"I’ve been lucky enough to be part of West Metro Fire Rescue Fleet Services Division since 2016.
During that time, I have made many friends and relationships. I really enjoy helping Engineers and Driver Operators better understand their apparatus.
Our Union is very fortunate to have a strong relationship and the support of our citizens, Board Members, Command Staff, and every employee at West Metro. I think it is important to be involved as much as possible.
As a Trustee, I’m excited to have the opportunity to try and give back to the membership. I hope to provide transparency and uphold the best interests of our members."
Thank you
Greg Woodward